Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)

Brand / Model: Mettler - Toledo / DSC 1/700

Differential Scanning Calorimeter Device (DSC); It measures the amount of energy absorbed or released while the sample is being heated, cooled or kept at a constant temperature. In this technique, the temperature difference from or away from the sample by reference is shown depending on the temperature or time. DSC uses the same measurement principles as DTA. Both contain samples and references. If a temperature difference is detected between the sample and the reference, the amount of energy supplied to the sample is changed to keep the temperature the same. In this way, the amount of heat transfer during phase change in the sample can be determined.

Technicial Specifications:

Temperature Range (With Air Cooling): 25 C / 700 ºC

Temperature Range (with Cryostat Cooling): -50 C / 700 ºC

Temperature Range (With Cooler Inside): -100 ºC / 550 ºC

Temperature Range (With Liquid Nitrogen Cooling): -150 C / 700 ºC

Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.2 K

Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.02 K

Furnace Temperature Resolution: ± 0.00006 K

Digital Resolution: 16.8 million dots


It is used to determine the properties of pharmaceutical industry, inorganic and organic compounds, petrochemistry, plastics, composite, adhesive and coating materials.