Brand / Model: FLIR / A645sc
It is an imaging system that is based on invisible Infrared
(IR) energy and determines the colors and shapes formed according to the
general structure of the image, IR energy.
Display Performance
Field of view / minimum focusing distance: 25 x 19 / 0.25 m
(standard lens)
Thermal sensitivity: 0.05 at 30 (50 mK)
Display frequency: 25 Hz
Detector type uncooled microbolometer: 640 x 480 px
Spectral bandwidth: 7.5 - 14 µm
Temperature range: -40 / 650
Accuracy of reading value: +/- 2 C +/-, +/- 2%
Emissivity correction: 0.1 / 1.0
Ambient temperature correction: Automatic
Software Features:
Live view and high speed recording on software
Pre-processing for fast thermal events
Time dependent plot plot on live image and recorded image
Advanced start / stop features for recording
Unlimited number of analysis tools (Point, area, line)
Zoom / pan feature
Windows on the software screen
Temperature graphs on different lines
Color palettes and temperature scale on the software